Porsche Engine Maintenance


Your engine has been remanufactured by precision workmen to rigid specifications and tolerances, using quality replacement parts. By following the steps outlined below, you can ensure your engine a longer, trouble-free life and protect your warranty.


This engine has been carefully remanufactured to precision standards. If certain steps are taken by the person making the installation, it will perform properly.

An engine is a complex component that requires a high degree of technical knowledge to install. Before an engine can be properly installed, it is recommended that the installer be ASE certified or have equivalent credentials.

If a properly remanufactured engine fails to perform satisfactorily, it can be due to detonation, pre-ignition or “lugging,” overheating or excessively rich air-fuel ratio, under-lubrication, dirt, coolant seepage, or ineffective air filtering. The above-mentioned reasons for failure are under the control of the installing mechanic/technician, and are not the responsibility of the engine remanufacturer.

 Another important factor is that your installers have the proper engine diagnostic equipment. Be certain the equipment is capable of diagnosing emissions, ignition, fuel systems and in-vehicle computers and sensors.

CAUTION: This partial list of recommended installation procedures and instructions are intended only as a guide. If you are not qualified to perform an installation, do not attempt it, as you may be liable for resulting engine failure.

To avoid harmful contamination, thoroughly clean parts that will be attached to the rebuilt/remanufactured engine. Also, any and all parts not included with a remanufactured engine or engine component should be cleaned properly before installing on a new remanufactured engine.

Vehicle computers and the fuel injection system must be recalibrated for the replacement engine. It is essential this be checked. Not doing this alone can cause your engine to fail. Look for a clean work environment at your installer. Cleanliness is essential in an engine installation. Neat and orderly shops often produce the best workmanship.



  • Check for freight damage or dirt contamination, which could occur during shipping.
  • Check application of product. Make sure the mounting holes, bell housing, crankshaft snout, flywheel mounting flange, bolt hole patterns, pilot shaft hole, smog/non-smog application, etc., are the same on new products as the old.
  • Clean all accessories to be transferred to the new product from the old one. Other procedures may be necessary to ensure proper engine operations.

Other operating systems in your vehicle may need to be checked, particularly if they may have been responsible for or contributed to the failure of the original engine.

The radiator may need replacing and/or cleaning. Air-filtering systems, pollution control components, sensors, injectors, and vacuum-operated devices may need attention as well as oil coolers.

Rely on your installer for advice on these items. They have the expertise and equipment to properly diagnose and will do so as a matter of procedure. Do not take short cuts, as it will only cause greater expense and inconvenience in the future.



Replace recommended parts, and then follow up with your installer to thoroughly check other parts, which may have contributed to the original failure.

Your remanufactured engine should begin operation under the same conditions as the original engine. It is recommended that the below listed parts be replaced.

Air Filter, Fuel Filter, Fuel Injectors.

It is highly recommended that you thoroughly test and inspect the following parts and replace as necessary:

Radiator Cap, MAF and MAP Sensors, All Hoses, Oxygen/Temperature Sensors, Throttle Position Sensors

Now is the easiest time to replace these parts. If these replacements are performed now, future labor expenses and inconvenience will be avoided.



For the first 200-300 miles, avoid sustained high-speed driving or carrying of loads. Avoid lugging the engine, and constant-throttle driving.

A check up is required after the first 500 miles to protect your warranty. At this time check ignition timing and idle speed, inspect for oil and water leaks, general operation of the engine. Checks up costs are the responsibility of the vehicle owner.



Perform routine maintenance on your vehicle on a consistent basis. Your warranty requires the below items to be performed for Basic Engine Maintenance.

  • Initial oil and filter change at 1 engine hour and again at 1000 miles following recommended break- in procedure.
  • Change oil and filter every 4 months or 4,000 miles. We recommend 20w50 synthetic oil.
  • Check fluid levels every gas fill up.
  • Change air filters every 25,000 (more often in a dusty environment).
  • Check belts/hoses at 30,000-mile intervals.
  • Tune-up, including spark plug replacement every 25,000 miles.

Keep all maintenance records. We recommend that you keep all receipts and accurate records for maintenance work performed on your vehicle. In order to have repairs made under warranty, we require documentation of proper vehicle maintenance as outlined in Factory Warranty and Vehicle Owner’s Manual as well as the steps outlined in Step Four above.


Please call us with any questions or concerns you may have. Our number is: (305)442-2727